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rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieHow to make an inclinometer
SP6MLK120401.04.2023 14:09:44
nowe posty w temacie02 ATNEL WIFI ESP + jak to działa w praktyce - przykłady na żywo
SP6MLK123301.04.2023 08:36:44
nowe posty w temacie01 ATNEL WIFI ESP + AVR WEB Server + Bootloader
SP6MLK120131.03.2023 08:12:31
nowe posty w temacieNanoVNA-H4.3 R44 mod - VK1OD
SP6MLK122031.03.2023 07:59:00
nowe posty w temacieKomunikat PZK nr 13/23 z dnia 28.03.2023 r.
SP6MLK117630.03.2023 08:02:02
nowe posty w temacieGetting Set Up For the 13CM DUBUS EME Contest, March 2023 - VE6BGT
SP6MLK115128.03.2023 07:59:51
nowe posty w temacieWA1ZMS - Test Equipment Mixers for the Millimeter-Wave Bands
SP6MLK117927.03.2023 01:25:03
nowe posty w temacieWA1MBA - Progress on a Quadruplexer for 40 to 50 GHz Beacons
SP6MLK119127.03.2023 01:22:34
nowe posty w temaciePLAN PRACY OKK „SP UKF – SP0VHF” - 2023
SP6MLK129727.03.2023 01:12:27
nowe posty w temacieBH1TSU qrv on 23 cm EME
2x56el. Yagi i 300W RF
SP6MLK223726.03.2023 12:24:19
nowe posty w temacieThe Great Seal Bug Project
SP6MLK128825.03.2023 07:53:26
nowe posty w temacieSolid state ITB PA unit for 70cm - OK1VPZ
SP6MLK120724.03.2023 08:04:09
nowe posty w temacieKomunikat PZK nr 12/23 z dnia 22.03.2023
SP6MLK120223.03.2023 07:43:43
nowe posty w temacieFocus on VHF/UHF/Microwave
SP6MLK119021.03.2023 07:53:55
nowe posty w temacieThe South African Radio League
SP6MLK120921.03.2023 07:50:30
nowe posty w temacieSARL VHF / UHF / SHF / EHF Records
SP6MLK118221.03.2023 07:47:12
nowe posty w temacie9CM Feed Upgrade and Testing - VE6BGT
SP6MLK118821.03.2023 07:36:36
nowe posty w temacieSP6PWT SDR - OpenWebRX
SP6MLK136919.03.2023 09:53:21
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic 179: Tales From The Transmitter
SP6MLK119019.03.2023 07:18:15
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio Contesting For Beginners - VHF and above - VK7ZBX
SP6MLK115717.03.2023 16:47:00
nowe posty w temacieTransformatory impedancji ćwierćfalowej - WA6PY
SP6MLK126816.03.2023 08:22:02
nowe posty w temacieAnytone AT-D878UVII+ (v3.01) VK Codeplug - VK4GHZ
SP6MLK120616.03.2023 08:02:31
nowe posty w temacieKomunikat PZK nr 11/23 z dnia 15.03.2023
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nowe posty w temacieRSGB 2022 Convention: Building a VHF/UHF Contest Station - G8DOH
SP6MLK118816.03.2023 07:44:27
nowe posty w temacieOpera digital transmission mode on 122.4 GHz received at a distance of 52 Km
GHz Europe
SP6MLK118115.03.2023 07:58:00
nowe posty w temacieEHF MICROWAVE ACTIVITY MARCH 1, 2023 - N1JEZ
SP6MLK116809.03.2023 08:12:16
nowe posty w temaciePZK Komunikaty 2023 r.
SP6MLK1069309.03.2023 08:07:49
nowe posty w temacieIARU simulations confirm the low probability of interference into RNSS receivers in the 23cm band
SP6MLK119808.03.2023 08:25:56
nowe posty w temacieNews dual mode 47 GHz feed ready to measure - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK117108.03.2023 08:07:07
nowe posty w temacieWysłuchanie publiczne dot. projektu Ustawy Prawo Komunikacji Elektronicznej
SP6MLK119807.03.2023 07:49:00
nowe posty w temacie725GHz first QSO!!!
SP6MLK119706.03.2023 07:50:45
nowe posty w temacieImpedance Converter Amplifier - Circuit Analysis
SP6MLK120305.03.2023 07:31:17
nowe posty w temacie2023 HAMChallenge
SP6MLK120203.03.2023 08:02:37
nowe posty w temacieRadix™ Printable Dielectric
SP6MLK118424.02.2023 07:41:42
nowe posty w temacieAmateur Radio Remote Station - Steve Kennedy - Manly-Warringah Radio Society lecture - VK2MB
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nowe posty w temacieUnveiling the Future of Antennas and RF Lenses using Radix™ 3D printable material!
SP6MLK117422.02.2023 08:32:08
nowe posty w temacieFullduplex operation in FT4/FT8 via QO-100 - DD1US
SP6MLK123821.02.2023 08:04:37
nowe posty w temacieManly-Warringah Radio Society - Spring 2019 - VHF/UHF Contest - VK2MB
SP6MLK117521.02.2023 07:56:11
nowe posty w temacieSun Noise tests at 10GHz - CT1BYM
SP6MLK119621.02.2023 07:52:28
nowe posty w temacie76GHz Lab beacon - CT1BYM
SP6MLK118221.02.2023 07:46:47

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