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rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieKreatywne pomysły z używanego zasilacza komputerowego
SP6MLK120621.11.2022 08:17:09
nowe posty w temacieMicrowave LNA Amplifier - Reverse Engineering
SP6MLK122721.11.2022 08:08:42
nowe posty w temacieVideo presentation on the QRP Labs QDX 5-watt Digital Transceiver - EI7GL
SP6MLK120817.11.2022 07:59:04
nowe posty w temacieElectrical DANGERS & How It Affects Your Body
Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK119316.11.2022 07:44:57
nowe posty w temaciePackaging a DB6NT 47 GHz XVTR Testing Components at 47 GHz - W5LUA
SP6MLK125614.11.2022 08:00:10
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic 175: Oh The Humanity
SP6MLK121113.11.2022 08:31:55
nowe posty w temacieReceived gifts - RF Components and Parts
SP6MLK118609.11.2022 07:43:14
nowe posty w temacieAntena 5/8 fali na pasmo 70 cm i PMR - tania i łatwa do zrobienia
SP6MLK125806.11.2022 08:55:38
nowe posty w temacie122 GHz reception by Neil G4LDR over 27km - August 2020
SP6MLK120106.11.2022 08:51:08
nowe posty w temacieUKuG NanoVNA talk by Bryan Harber G8DKK - Dec-2020
SP6MLK129805.11.2022 07:54:15
nowe posty w temacieUKuG 122 GHz & VK3CV Transceiver talk by Barry Chambers G8AGN
SP6MLK119805.11.2022 07:51:18
nowe posty w temacie122 GHz over 26km - July 2020
SP6MLK121704.11.2022 11:16:47
nowe posty w temacieUKuG 24GHz Loan System-2
SP6MLK119404.11.2022 08:29:44
nowe posty w temacieUKuG Yagi Antenna talk by Kent Britain WA5VJB
SP6MLK122003.11.2022 07:43:02
nowe posty w temacieMicrowave EMF - GM3SEK, G4DSE
SP6MLK119303.11.2022 07:37:00
nowe posty w temacieKoniec drogi dla wiadomości radioamatorskich Southgate - EI7GL
SP6MLK331602.11.2022 08:09:30
nowe posty w temacieMěření na 70cm transvertoru
SP6MLK120902.11.2022 07:54:55
nowe posty w temacieSignal noise and Spurious tones
SP6MLK119702.11.2022 07:48:59
nowe posty w temacieSmith Chart Impedance Matching using Genetic Algorithm
SP6MLK120627.10.2022 09:11:22
nowe posty w temacieWQ5S 2022 10 GHz and Up Results
SP6MLK121023.10.2022 09:27:30
nowe posty w temacieKühlung einer PA mittels einer Peltierkühlung - DD1US
SP6MLK221123.10.2022 09:17:32
nowe posty w temacieKM5PO-KI5EMN 2022 10 GHz and Up Rove
SP6MLK121522.10.2022 08:05:18
nowe posty w temacieIonospheric Propagation on 50MHz | 6 Meters the "Magic" Band
Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK119222.10.2022 07:48:06
nowe posty w temacieRSGB replies to Ofcom regarding WRC-23
SP6MLK119520.10.2022 04:01:19
nowe posty w temaciePower Amplifier - DK2FD
144 MHz - 24 GHz
SP6MLK134518.10.2022 08:10:54
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic 174: 17 Year Anniversary
SP6MLK115716.10.2022 06:44:00
nowe posty w temacieMoving up to 1.3GHz - G4BAO
SP6MLK120908.10.2022 08:02:13
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio SSB Processor with AVR Microcontroller
SP6MLK122204.10.2022 07:44:58
nowe posty w temacieZmiana administratora systemów informatycznych PZK
SP6MLK121903.10.2022 13:11:37
nowe posty w temacieAustralia: Proposed new ham radio licence
SP6MLK122430.09.2022 16:56:14
nowe posty w temacie50 let od super podmínek v UHF-SHF 1972
SP6MLK129128.09.2022 08:56:45
nowe posty w temacieWRC23 AI9.1b: ITU‑,R Study Group 4 finalises the 23cm/RNSS study report
SP6MLK125227.09.2022 08:40:02
nowe posty w temacieIncrease the Range of Any Handheld Radio for 6 Cents
Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK123325.09.2022 14:35:46
nowe posty w temacie8-Year-Old Speaks to Astronaut via Ham Radio
SP6MLK118020.09.2022 14:48:55
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic 173: Space Age Hamfest
SP6MLK120519.09.2022 08:57:11
nowe posty w temacieParabola 7 m OZ9ARR
SP6MLK120519.09.2022 08:34:36
nowe posty w temacieVýroba paraboly 160cm
SP6MLK120719.09.2022 08:30:47
nowe posty w temacie First 40 MHz SSB contact between UK and South Africa
SP6MLK118418.09.2022 13:34:23
nowe posty w temacieSMA konektory na koaxiálních kabelech - OK1UFC
SP6MLK123117.09.2022 09:12:56
nowe posty w temacieGet Started with DMR
SP6MLK119917.09.2022 07:46:49

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