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rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieSG-lab's 3.4GHz transverter quick receive test
SP6MLK124902.04.2022 07:14:02
nowe posty w temacieGetting a UK licence for the 40 MHz band - EI7GL
SP6MLK226531.03.2022 14:08:54
nowe posty w temacieSPDX Contest 2022 cancelled
SP6MLK130128.03.2022 08:10:42
nowe posty w temacieRSGB Tonight@8 - The bluffer's guide to digital voice by Tim Kirby, GW4VXE
SP6MLK119828.03.2022 08:07:08
nowe posty w temacieBuild a Ham Radio Dashboard & Control Web Page For Your Shack - Kyle AA0Z
SP6MLK120928.03.2022 07:57:32
nowe posty w temacieAn Appliance For Operating FM Satellites - Mark N6MTS
SP6MLK121327.03.2022 09:27:22
nowe posty w temacieSeveral radio amateurs in the UK obtain special 40 MHz permits - EI7GL
SP6MLK122127.03.2022 09:22:05
nowe posty w temacie122GHz: New step in EA millimetrics
SP6MLK120526.03.2022 09:40:43
nowe posty w temacieVK3CV 122GHz Transverter
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nowe posty w temacieMein erstes QSO auf dem 3cm Band - OE3EMC
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nowe posty w temacieGo-Kit Building: Design Considerations - Vince VE6LK
SP6MLK119826.03.2022 08:46:35
nowe posty w temacieWorldwide Ham Radio Operators (2000-2022)
Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK121925.03.2022 07:57:02
nowe posty w temacieRadio Propagation Mapping - Marcel AI6MS
SP6MLK120325.03.2022 07:46:48
nowe posty w temacieRadio control keypad for the FT891 - Christian NV2J
SP6MLK120324.03.2022 07:45:30
nowe posty w temacieLAN replacing RS232 - Mike VA3MW
SP6MLK121823.03.2022 08:34:02
nowe posty w temacieNew IARU Region 1 record 467km on 24 GHz in CW via an airplane - 9th March 2022
SP6MLK120422.03.2022 08:01:48
nowe posty w temacieBenchDuino Nano Development System Overview - George Zafiropoulos KJ6VU
SP6MLK120822.03.2022 07:57:20
nowe posty w temacieTop 5 Ham Radio Items Under $100
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nowe posty w temacieKaiweets Multimeter Giveaway! 15k Celebration Livestream
Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK120720.03.2022 09:08:13
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic 167: AmateurLogic Unbagged
SP6MLK121920.03.2022 07:30:15
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 28 (TX)F028
SP6MLK122320.03.2022 07:22:13
nowe posty w temacieTest Equipment for the Ham Radio Operator - Doug K6JEY
SP6MLK122620.03.2022 07:19:01
nowe posty w temacieNew World Record on the 134 GHz Band - DK5NJ
SP6MLK225419.03.2022 08:17:47
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 27 (TX)F027
SP6MLK117719.03.2022 07:51:21
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 26 (TX)F026
SP6MLK118718.03.2022 07:54:07
nowe posty w temacie​,Station Automation - Mike VA3MW & George KJ6VU
SP6MLK120818.03.2022 07:51:06
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 25 (TX)F025
SP6MLK122617.03.2022 07:49:41
nowe posty w temacieIntro to Node Red for Station Automation - Mike VA3MW
SP6MLK121017.03.2022 07:44:24
nowe posty w temaciePlaying with garbage bonding - EB3FRN
SP6MLK122516.03.2022 07:57:23
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio 101 (2019) VHF Gear for the new ham
SP6MLK121216.03.2022 07:53:44
nowe posty w temacieĆwiczenia wojskowe będą wykorzystywały pasmo 50 MHz
SP6MLK124715.03.2022 08:28:06
nowe posty w temacieWirebonding over aluminium pad - EB3FRN
SP6MLK121815.03.2022 08:13:51
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 24 (TX)F024
SP6MLK121515.03.2022 08:11:05
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio 101 (2019) VHF operating for the new ham
SP6MLK123815.03.2022 08:07:28
nowe posty w temacieRemoving a bond from a chip - EB3FRN
SP6MLK117614.03.2022 07:30:43
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 23 (TX)F023
SP6MLK119714.03.2022 07:27:11
nowe posty w temacieLNA 47GHz box preparation - EB3FRN
SP6MLK325813.03.2022 10:33:47
nowe posty w temacieTX Factor - Episode 22 (TX)F022
SP6MLK121313.03.2022 10:30:57
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio 102 (2019) Digital voice modes for VHF & UHF
SP6MLK124213.03.2022 07:41:22

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