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rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic.TV - 2019 r.
SP6MLK131 55619.01.2020 00:30:50
nowe posty w temacieOfcom Consultation: Improving spectrum access for Wi-Fi
SP6MLK142618.01.2020 13:23:59
nowe posty w temacieITU highlights role of amateur radio in emergency comms
SP6MLK252018.01.2020 00:29:55
nowe posty w temacieSkładki PZK 2020 r.
SP6MLK262613.01.2020 16:57:35
nowe posty w temacieWater drop antenna lens directs radio wave energy through its curved shape
SP6MLK160712.01.2020 12:42:19
nowe posty w temacieIARUMS Region 1 Newsletter 2019 available!
SP6MLK71 56309.01.2020 15:34:16
nowe posty w temacie 122GHz transverter receive bench tests - VK3CV
SP6MLK162009.01.2020 07:08:13
nowe posty w temacieG8ACE – 122 GHz testing
SP6MLK161608.01.2020 10:40:23
nowe posty w temacie Tunisia issues personal licences to operate
SP6MLK150107.01.2020 14:54:46
nowe posty w temacieHamRadioNow: FCC proposed reallocation of the 3 (and 5) GHz band(s)
SP6MLK580207.01.2020 14:46:11
nowe posty w temacieKalendarz zawodów aktywności VHF/UHF/SHF/MW EU - 2020 r.
SP6MLK147206.01.2020 11:18:56
nowe posty w temacieHST - Highspeed telegraphy
SP6MLK164406.01.2020 09:26:22
nowe posty w temacieHST 2020
SP6MLK148506.01.2020 09:23:47
nowe posty w temacie432 MHz world tropo record extended even further to 4,644 kms - 1st Jan 2020 - EI7GL
SP6MLK149804.01.2020 15:08:40
nowe posty w temacieRemarkable start to the New Year with a new 144 MHz tropo record - EI7GL
SP6MLK146102.01.2020 00:05:05
nowe posty w temacie4,400km opening between Cape Verde Islands and London on 144 MHz - 30th Dec 2019 - EI7GL
SP6MLK146301.01.2020 09:18:35
nowe posty w temacieExcellent end of year tropo opening results in new world record 432 MHz contact of 4562 kms - EI7GL
SP6MLK162329.12.2019 08:25:52
nowe posty w temacieD41CV and GM3SEK set new 144 MHz tropo record of over 4500 kms - EI7GL
SP6MLK158629.12.2019 08:18:15
nowe posty w temacieCape Verde Islands heard on 144 MHz & 432 MHz in Europe over record distances - EI7GL
SP6MLK169628.12.2019 14:01:50
nowe posty w temacieWRC-19: The agenda for future Conferences
SP6MLK360928.12.2019 08:07:24
nowe posty w temacieICOM radios down through the years...-EI7GL
SP6MLK149126.12.2019 13:07:45
nowe posty w temacieThe Five-Metre Story ... Article from the Short Wave Magazine in 1949 - EI7GL
Artykuł z 1949 r.
SP6MLK165723.12.2019 10:36:39
nowe posty w temacieRASA launches national six metre initiative
SP6MLK166422.12.2019 18:47:57
nowe posty w temacieEnd of my CNC update - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK149722.12.2019 18:35:35
nowe posty w temacieWIA President recaps on WRC-19
SP6MLK166722.12.2019 14:55:48
nowe posty w temacieShort-term management rights in 3.5 GHz band for 5G
Nowa Zelandia
SP6MLK148521.12.2019 11:02:23
nowe posty w temacie FCC formally adopts proposals to remove amateur 3-GHz band, invites comments
SP6MLK165220.12.2019 11:11:54
nowe posty w temacieFCC seeks to remove 3 GHz ham radio band
SP6MLK152419.12.2019 11:51:03
nowe posty w temacieK6ML 122 GHz signal at Mt Diablo heard by KB6BA at Mt Umunhum 12 16 2019
SP6MLK166419.12.2019 08:01:45
nowe posty w temacieZmiana organów właściwych do zgłaszania instalacji antenowych
SP6MLK178119.12.2019 00:13:23
nowe posty w temaciePZK - KOMUNIKATY 2019 r. [ 1 2 3 ]
SP6MLK516 07019.12.2019 00:09:07
nowe posty w temacie Netherlands radio hams meet communications regulator
SP6MLK150417.12.2019 13:37:34
nowe posty w temacieExperiments continue on the 40 MHz band in the west of Ireland - EI7GL
SP6MLK146715.12.2019 13:04:46
nowe posty w temacie50 MHz band in ITU Region 1
SP6MLK269712.12.2019 14:40:49
nowe posty w temacie5 watt railway level crossing radars at 24 GHz
SP6MLK162512.12.2019 14:30:01
nowe posty w temacieRecent 3000km+ opening on 144 MHz between New Zealand and Australia reported - EI7GL
SP6MLK146710.12.2019 06:57:32
nowe posty w temacie47 GHz Francia Españ,a 158 Kms - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK150109.12.2019 08:16:21
nowe posty w temacie47GHz 99Kms Mediterranean Sea path - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK147008.12.2019 00:09:50
nowe posty w temacieAustralian 70cms digital record extended to 2,806 kms - EI7GL
SP6MLK165608.12.2019 00:00:11
nowe posty w temacie Latest Icom SDR amateur radios supplied to RSGB National Radio Centre
SP6MLK165804.12.2019 13:08:28

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