Hello David, Tks for fb QSO. Very strong signals from G. Worked also G0CHE, G4BWP, G3SHK, G4MKF all CW. And finally M5AEH SSB.
Yeas, I have a temporary permission until the 1st of November in this year. Fixed fq 70,1375 MHz and 25 W ERP. I run an IC-7300 and dipol antenna, 6 meter above the ground. The output is adjusted to 25 W.
Tell the guys to listen on my fq when the band is open. I wl try to be QRV. I dont´t know if other SM stns have permission.
I´m also OH0CO and will be QRV on 70 MHz from my OH0 QTH this summer. Locator KP00BI. There I have to follow the OH/reg 1 rules, which not are so limited.
Best 73 Ben SM6CCO/OH0CO
_________________ 73! Stanisław SP6MLK Kłodzko JO80IK06AO http://ra-ukf.iq24.pl/default.asp http://www.ukf-te.iq24.pl/default.asp http://spukfcontest.atthost24.pl/