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Grupa: Administrator ![](star.gif)
Lokalizacja:: Kłodzko JO80IK06AO
Posty: 42313 #2160351 Od: 2013-10-18
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Aktywność OH1MN z północnych lokatorów OH & LA
I will be driving up north to KP37PA Pyhätunturi but will make a few stops on the way and be QRV also from KP36QX. Will travel to KP38SP for a day then move more north to KQ30WB then to LA side where call used: LA/OH1MN, thoughts on KQ40AB or KQ40UB, possible others. 2m - 150W 9el. 4m - 100W 5el. 6m - 100W 5el.
Will be QRV on KST chats during trip so look for me there when setup is done.
I have no fixed plans on days / QTHs.
Pse call with report if u cpi me, I will tx 1st always!
144388 FSK441 70175 (also 70191) FSK441 50238 JT6M If any Es should strangely come ahead then SSB, CW... Will decide freq. on spot but these are prefered.
QSL Direct or Buro...
73! Markus OH1MN
_________________ 73! Stanisław SP6MLK Kłodzko JO80IK06AO http://ra-ukf.iq24.pl/default.asp http://www.ukf-te.iq24.pl/default.asp http://spukfcontest.atthost24.pl/