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Grupa: Administrator ![](star.gif)
Lokalizacja:: Kłodzko JO80IK06AO
Posty: 42313 #2275230 Od: 2013-10-18
| Aktywność OZ/SP7VC z lokatora JO75
Have plan to be active from Bornholm Island during my fishing trip. After fishing, after 17:00 UTC I will be active on MS 4m from JO75. Activation will only 23 and 24 May.
Random operation QRG TBA. For DL QSX 173 4el.Yagi,FT-847
_________________ 73! Stanisław SP6MLK Kłodzko JO80IK06AO http://ra-ukf.iq24.pl/default.asp http://www.ukf-te.iq24.pl/default.asp http://spukfcontest.atthost24.pl/