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Grupa: Administrator ![](star.gif)
Lokalizacja:: Kłodzko JO80IK06AO
Posty: 42313 #2234115 Od: 2013-10-18
Ilość edycji wpisu: 1 | Kalkulator EME ver.11.10 - VK3UM
·/Moon Noise value/s have been revised to reflect the latest findings. X and Ku bands have been incorporated. Data from Goldstone measurements confirms measurements from Peter G3LTF for 6, 9 13 and 23cm. Source reference provided in the Help file. The accuracy of the Beam fill factor for very large apertures is still to be resolved with ongoing investigation but for normal Amateur size dishes is adequate.
* addition of a /calendar date option/ enables review of measurements taken at preceding or future dates. This option provides relative Moon data (phase, path loss, Moon noise etc.) calculations for the date in question.
* addition of a /Ground temperature slider/ to provide a means of measuring more accurately the Ground to Cold sky ratio by adjusting the temperature of the far field object to the temperature it will most likely exhibit. Settings for depression angle and type of reflective object (walls, trees, ground surfaces etc.) has been covered in detail and is explained within the help file ‚Measurement of Ground to Cold Sky ratio‘ by Peter Blair G3LTF. (a ‚must read‘). The accuracy obtained from actual measurements have proven to be most pleasing.
Doug VK3UM
_________________ 73! Stanisław SP6MLK Kłodzko JO80IK06AO http://ra-ukf.iq24.pl/default.asp http://www.ukf-te.iq24.pl/default.asp http://spukfcontest.atthost24.pl/