Special SSB-operation at PI9CAM
Info z moon-net
W sobote 27 grudnia w godzinach 12utc-16utc bedzie qrv PA8A wykorzystujacy instalacje PI9CAM Dwingeloo 25m dish Camras.
Preferowana emisja SSB i byc moze warto sprobowac nawiazac eme qso nawet przez "male" stacje.
Planowana aktywnosc w pasmach 2m,70cm,23cm i wiadomosci na ten temat nalezy oczekiwac na CLX oraz logger HB9Q.

Zycze powodzenia,
szczegoly ponizej:

Hi all,
I’d like to pre-announce a special operation at the Dwingeloo dish. The board of CAMRAS made an extraordinary exception to allow Peter Jelgersma PA8A to use the dish for one afternoon with his own call.

It is an acknowledgement for the role Peter had in persuading the Dutch government in the early years of CAMRAS, to allow amateur use of the instrument.

Peter is fond of SSB, so that will be the main mode of operation, but we will keep some key in a corner for him somewhere oczko

Operation is scheduled on next week Saturday, December 27, from app. 12 GMT till 16 GMT. Call, as said, will be PA8A

It is a good opportunity for small stations to make an SSB-EME QSO, so note it in the agenda. Have fun!

Best 73, Dick PA2DW