Special SSB-operation at PI9CAM
Info z moon-net
Najnowsze info w skrocie:

-podjeto decyzje, ze stacja bedzie qrv na freq. - 432.030 oraz 1296.030, a przelaczanie pomiedzy pasmami w zaleznosci od aktywnosci
-Peter PA8A bedzie pracowal tylko na SSB
-zostana podjete starania zeby namowic kogos z operatorow CW
-ze wzgledu na okno USA, Dick PA2DW bedzie staral sie zalatwic przedluzenie aktywnosci do 17utc


Ponizej szczegoly z moon-net:

This sounds like a very exciting special event, is there any further news? Is there any chance Peter will continue to operate after 1600Z on Saturday? MR in most of the USA will be after 1600 (1630 here in southeast Florida).

73, Bill NZ5N

Hi Bill,

We decided we will be on 432.030 and 1296.030, switching between bands as activity lets us.

Mainly SSB, some CW but Peter cannot operate CW himself so we need to find a volunteer to take over. There is only Jan PA3FXB and me hi!…

I will try to persuade Peter to go on till 17Z J

Vy 73, Dick PA2DW