Aktywność HA/SP7VC z lokatora KN07RK na 70 MHz i 144 MHz
HA/SP7VC - 144MHz ,70 MHz
I will be active from KN07RK 2m,4m MS like HA/SP7VC

Dxpedition will start on Friday 1st May and will finish on Sunday ,3rd May

Only random operation
QRG - TBA on arrival.
Cq first period.
When QSY to 2m will be announced on dxclx.

Split for DL will be announced with corresponding
CQ string i.e CQ .... or CQ ....(If Germans will have the licence)

Others - CQ with antenna heading i.e CQ W/E/N/S

FT-847 ,4m 4el Yagi, 2m 9el.Yagi