Praca zespołowa dla ulepszenia kalkulatora EME - VK3UM - W1GHZ - SM6FHZ
To all participants in the 6cm Activity Weekend
I would be very grateful to receive any sun noise and moon noise measurements that you were able to make over the weekend These will be of great value in checking the moon noise data that is now used in EMECalc. See
If you could say something about how you measured and what you think the accuracy of the measurement might be that would be valuable... and if you have an EMECalc .cal file for your receive system I’d love to have that as well.
Especially of interest are measurements taken with dishes that are known to be accurate in profile at 6cm. We will publish all the measurements in the next EME NL.
I already have sun and moon noise data from SM6FHZ, PA7JB, VE4MA and LX1DB.
Finally thanks for all the appreciative comments, I’m glad everyone enjoyed the weekend.

73 Peter G3LTF