Ogólne warunki zawodów UKF w OK
W OK uwzględniono zalecenia IARU Region 1 dotyczące kategorii "6 HOURS"

"• Section 6 HOURS SINGLE: stations operated by a single operator, with no operational assistance of another person during the contest (144 MHz and 432 MHz only).

• Section 6 HOURS MULTI: stations operated by a multiple operators (144 MHz and 432 MHz only).

Zasady startu w tej kategori określone są w sposób następujący :

6 HOURS section time rule: the 6 hour time segment can be divided into maximum two periods. The time of the first QSO sets the start time of the first period. The pause between the two periods must be longer than 2 hours. The first time difference of 2 hours or more between two consecutive QSOs marks the pause segment. Only the QSOs that fall into the combined 6 hour time segment will be counted for points."

U nas regulamin zawodów bez zmian???
