EI/ON4TA/P - 23cm/70cm from the Wicklow Mountains, Ireland
EI/ON4TA/P - 23cm/70cm from the Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

This is a backpacker's activation on 70cm and 23cm of Tonelagee, SOTA EI/IE-003, in the Wicklow Mountains, East Coast of Ireland.

Date and time coincides with the VHF/UHF "Field Day" in Ireland and the UK. Tonelagee is 832m asl with good take-off across the Irish Sea.

Termin: 02.07.2016

Lokator: IO63TB

23cm 1W into 10 el. Yagi.
70cm 20W into 7 el. Yagi.
Mode: SSB.
Battery powered station of course.

QSL via bureau.

Even in July there is no guarantee for nice sunny WX in Ireland, hi. Apologies if I have to cancel at short notice due to high wind, heavy rain or low cloud preventing ascending the mountain or setting up /P station.

73, Phil ON4TA