XT2AFT via EME from Burkina Faso
XT2AFT via EME from Burkina Faso



DATE: 2016-10-14 to 2016-10-24



BAND: 144-432- GHz

NEWS by HB9Q, dated 2016-10-01:

Hello all

Hermann asked me to forward the following information:

All is packed, license is granted (needs to be picked-up at capital upon
arrival), QTH is reserved.
Hermann arrives on 12. October just before midnight at the operation site.
On 13. October he will be building the station and he hopes to be QRV for
his moonrise (IK92) or shortly thereafter on 13. October.
He plans to be QRV as follows:
13./14. on 144.144 if no QRM during the full window
15. on 1296.100 if no QRM during the full window
16. on 432.100 if no QRM during the full window
17. on 2320.100 if no QRM during the full window
18. on 432.100 if no QRM during the full window
19./20. on 144.144 if no QRM during the full window
21. on 1296.100 if no QRM during the full window
23. on 2320.100 if no QRM during the full window
24. Reserve day, probably 144 QRG will be decided later

XT2AFT always 1st. On 144 and 432 JT65b and on 1296 and 2320 JT65c. He RX
on his echo. 2304 he will do only on request.
His QTH is IK92 , to be verified when there. He should have internet,
however it is not always stable. Electric power should not be a problem.

144: 17el yagi M2, 350W at dipol, preamp
432: 38el yagi M2, 450W at dipol, preamp
1296: 55el yagi, 270W at dipol, preamp
2320: 67el yagi, 100W at dipol, preamp

As always QSL direct to Hermann DL2NUD (see QRZ.COM for address). Donations
are welcome by paypal to dan@hb9q.ch or with the QSL.

Vy 73, Dan HB9Q on behalf of Herman DL2NUD