FR/DL2NUD 1296, 2320 MHz and 3400 MHz DXpedition
FR/DL2NUD 1296, 2320 MHz and 3400 MHz DXpedition

Hermann, DL2NUD asked me to inform you about his next activity.
He will be QRV from 28. February until 7. March from LG78uv using
FR/DL2NUD. His equipment will be same as used in E44 last December.
1.5m dish, 1296 170W at feed, 23xx and 3400 100W at feed. He plans to be
QRV 3 days on 1296, 2 days on 23xx and 1 day on 3400. He will be QRV on
2320 and 2304, no crossband necessary. Tickets and accommodation are payed.
However he will be on his own, so all work will be done by him.
More information when available.
On behalf of Hermann… vy 73, Dan HB9Q