FR/DL2NUD 1296, 2320 MHz and 3400 MHz DXpedition |
NEWS by HB9Q, dated 2017-03-04: Hermann is very happy to have worked 37 stations during his 2 day activity on 23cm. This despite a lot of different problems haunting him. He reports to have worked the following stations: HB9Q, OK1KIR, UA3PTW, OH2DG, YL2GD, PA3FXB, UA9YLU, YO3DDZ, PA3DZL, ON4AOI, OZ4MM, PA3CSG, DK3WG, I1NDP, IK3COJ, PY2BS, OZ6OL, G4RGK, RA3EC, PE1CHQ, SP5GDM, DF3RU, VK4CDI, OK1DFC, OK1CA, ES6RQ, OK2DL, VK2JDS, VK2CU, YO2BCT, DJ9YW, OK1YK, PA0BAT, LX1DB, G4CCH, DL6SH, ES5PC. Hermann, due to the high number of stations missed/not worked, decided to use his last day of operation, 7. March, for another 23cm moon path. He hopes his neighbors (next door bungalow) have left by then so that he can place the dish in a better position for MS. As soon as they have left he will change antenna position as quick as possible. More information when available. Hermann will be QRV 13cm today 4. March and 5. March on 2320.100 and at the end of his window on request 2304.100 RX and TX. He is always 1st and he RX on his echo. He is stand-by on HB9Q logger. He will not be QRV CW this trip, sorry. QSL cards direct to his home address at, incl. SAE. |