X-Team travelling to Cap Verde (D4)
X-Team travelling to Cap Verde (D4)

The X-Team is on the road again: Frank DH7FB and Bernd DF2ZC will be QRV
from Cap Verde from April 30th to May 3rd.

Flights and house are already booked. Licence application is underway.

We will arrive at Praia airport on April 29th, 23.05 h local and have a
short transfer to the dxp site. The following morning we will start
assembling the station . After completion we will go to dxp mode straight

As we leave on 23.55 h local on May 3rd there's also plenty of time to be
QRV that day.

Equipment: FT-857, LNA, Tajfun LDMOS SSPA, 2 x 8/8 xpol (DK7ZB)