VP2EMB - Moonbounce from Anguilla Island |
VP2EMB - Moonbounce from Anguilla Island Important operation notes: We expect to have moonrise at about 15 degrees of elevation! This was a choice because the house is partly in front of our antenna if we will keep coax short. Short coax gives us the possibility to operate both 2 mtr. and 23 cm. at the same time. All the VK, JA and ZL stations can be worked only during moonset from VP2 anyway, so no problem for them and our moonset is very good overlooking the ocean. If we finish the setup very fast on 11/4 we might become QRV that day on 2 mtr. Operation on 22/4 depends on activity, we don not expect to be QRV that day. 23 cm. operation after 3 moonpasses on this band depends also on activity. Moonrise moonset timetable in UTC: Day: Date: MR UTC: Date: MS UTC: Planned band: Thu 11/4 15:30 12/4 04:15 Possible 144 Fri 12/4 16:30 13/4 05:15 144 Sat 13/4 17:30 14/4 06:00 144 and 1296 Sun 14/4 18:30 15/4 07:00 144 and 1296 Mon 15/4 19:30 16/4 07:45 432 Tue 16/4 20:30 17/4 08:30 144 and 1296 Wed 17/4 21:30 18/4 09:15 144 and 1296? Thur 18/4 22:30 19/4 10:00 144 and 1296? Fri 19/4 23:30 20/4 10:45 144 and 1296? Sun 21/4 00:30 21/4 11:30 432 Mon 22/4 01:30 22/4 12:15 144 ??? Please look on www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php for latest update , we might not be QRV all full moonpasses all the time ! 73, Chris CALL - VP2EMB LOCATOR - FK88mg DATE - 2019-04-12 to 2019-04-20 DXCC - VP2E ACTIVIRTY - EME BAND - 144 - 432 - 1296 |