SP7VC/4 - DX-square pedition from North-Eastern Poland Członek OKK "SP UKF" - SP0VHF |
SP7VC/4 - DX-square pedition from North-Eastern Poland My next DX-square pedition will from North-Eastern Poland ( 12-14.07.2019) Will be QRV from KO14EG Starting probably 17.00 z Friday to 06.00 z Sunday. I will transmit always 1st period. Frequency: 70154.0 FT8 70174.0 MSK144 70160.0 SSB 50160.0 SSB 50233.0 JT,MSK 144174.0 FT8 144374.0 MSK144 432.200 SSB Equipment : IC-7300, TS-2000, IC-746+ PA Yagi CALL - SP7VC/4 LOCATOR - KO14EG DATE - 2019-07-12 to 2019-07-14 DXCC - SP ACTIVIRTY - MS-TR BAND - HF-50-70-144-432 |