Lunar landing memorial EME SSTV party on 23 cm |
Lunar landing memorial EME SSTV party on 23 cm During the July 20/21 weekend we at PI9CAM are engaged in several activities to commemorate the lunar landing of Apollo 11 exactly 50 years ago. To add something to the festivities we would like to try to spark some EME SSTV activity. During the night 20/21 July we will transmit several SSTV images to the moon on 23 cm with our 25 m dish. Of course those images will all have something to do with the Apollo missions. We encourage all to try and receive those images. Over the years we have seen suprisingly fair/good results doing SSTV via the moon. Even the 'not so big' dishes can receive reasonable quality pictures! We use the software MMSSTV. (see: ) It's easy to use and easy to set up. One thing is important. To get the pictures synchronised it helps a lot to tick 'auto slant adjustment' You get there when you are in RX mode and right click in the big white RX box where the images appear. Without auto slant adjustment you often will see skewed images.... If you like you can try to transmit images yourself. It's pretty easy. We will look for your signals. Just have a look at the software and play a bit with it in advance and you will be well prepared for the 'Lunar landing memorial EME SSTV party' ! BTW we found that the best ' SSTV sub mode' for EME is Martin2. It takes about 1 minute in this mode to transfer one image. During the July 20/21 night we will be on the HB9Q logger to announce our transmissions and to coordinate other SSTV tests. Looking forward to the party! 73! Jan PA3FXB (team PI9CAM) |