OE6V - Microwave EME DXpediton
2020-02-03 to 2020-02-07
OE6V - Microwave EME DXpediton

DATE - 2020-02-03 to 2020-02-07

Hi All

We are very happy to announce our next Q-Team DXpedition!

Werner, OE6FNG of the OE6V EME and Contest group, offered us to use their
shack/QTH to activate the microwave bands on EME. It is located at the
vineyards of the Reichmann family in Kühnegg, Steiermark, Austria
(JN76VT). The OE6V team is very active on 50 and 144 EME and did very
successful 50 and 144 MHz EME DXpeditons to ZA and HB0. Of course it was a
great pleasure to accept the offer! We will visit the OE6V team coming
February and we are very much looking forward to be QRV EME together with
them on 5 microwave bands (1296, 23xx, 3400, 5760, 10xxx MHz)!

Here our plan:

2. February 2020
The Q-Team will drive the 840 km to Mureck (JN76VT) which is on the

3. February
Build the station at the OE6V QTH in the vineyard. We hope to be ready and
QRV by moonrise at about 12z.
1296.100 JT65C OE6V 1st RX on own echo, 12.00z until 01.30z (4. February)

4. February
2320.100 JT65C OE6V 1st RX on own echo, 12.30z to 01.00z (5. February)
2301.990 and 2400.100 (on request only, please send e-mail to dan@hb9q.ch),
2304.100 (QSY will be announced on HB9Q 23xx logger)

5. February
3400.100 JT65C OE6V 1st RX on own echo, 13.00z to 00.00z
3399.990 1st (on request only, please send e-mail to dan@hb9q.ch), QSY will
be announced on HB9Q 10xxx logger

6. February
5760.100 QRA64D OE6V 1st CFOM, 13.30z to 01.00z (7. February)

7. February
10368.100 QRA64D OE6V 1st CFOM , 14.30z to 01.15z (8. February)
10450.100 1st (on request only, please send e-mail to dan@hb9q.ch), QSY
will be announced on HB9Q 10xxx logger

8. February
Dismantle and pack station. Farewell dinner.

9. February
Drive back the 840 km to HB9.

CW: Although it is on the limit, we will work CW on all bands. However only
with big-guns and after the pile-up on JT/QRA is worked.

1.5m dish 1x2mm mesh, homemade automatic az and el control
1296: 100W at feed, circular, preamp at horn
23xx: 90W at feed, circular, preamp at horn
3400: 80W at feed, circular, preamp at horn
5760: 80W at feed, circular, preamp at horn
10xxx: 50W at feed, v-pol, preamp at horn

We will be using WSJT-X 2.1.2. On 23, 13 and 9cm we use JT65C with Doppler
Control (“Own Echo”, in other words we listen on our own echo). On 6
and 3cm we will be using QRA64D (if necessary JT4F) including Doppler
Control (“Constant Frequency On Moon” and if necessary “Full Doppler
to DX Grid”). Hopefully more people take advantage of automated Doppler
control. Especially on 6 and 3cm it is a MUST for successful QRP

We will have internet access and during our activities we will be stand-by
on the HB9Q band loggers. We also will check our e-mails several times a

How big needs your station to be to work us?
On 23cm 2m dish and 150W at the feed
On 13cm 2m dish and 100W at the feed
On 9cm 2m dish and 50W at the feed
On 6cm 1.5m dish and 80W at the feed
On 3cm 0.75m solid dish with 60W at the feed

QSL policy: QSL only direct including SAE to: HB9Q, P.O.Box 133, CH-5737
If you wish to sponsor our activity, you are welcome to do so by using
PayPal dan@hb9q.ch (please mention your call).

We are looking forward to our OE6V DXpedition and hope to work many of
Next information one week before we will be QRV.

Vy 73, Dan/Sue & Sam Q-Team at OE6V

Courtesy MMMonVHF