LX/PA3FYC & LX/PA3CMC - 2m & 70cm EME and 4m DX-pedition to Luxemburg
LX/PA3FYC & LX/PA3CMC - 2m & 70cm EME and 4m DX-pedition to Luxemburg

Termin: 19.09 - 20.09.2020 r.

Lokator: JN29VW

Pasma: 70 - 144 - 432

Aktywność: EME-MS-TR

During ARI contest, 19 and 20 september 2020 we,
Chris PA2CHR, Jos PA3FYC and Lins PA3CMC are
QRV on 2m and 70cm EME from Luxemburg in JN29vw.
Callsigns LX/PA3FYC and LX/PA3CMC

In spare time we can do some meteor scatter and/or tropo.

We also operate 4m from Luxemburg

2m 2 x 20 el X pole, IC9700, kW
70cm 27 el horizontal and 23 el vertikal asX pole, FT857d, 400W
4m 6 el, IC7300 150W

See you from Luxemburg Chris, Jos and Lins