KA6U - NW Nevada US 2M EME DN00, DN01, DN10, DN11
144 MHz EME
KA6U - NW Nevada US 2M EME DN00, DN01, DN10, DN11

Termin: 10.10 - 13.10.2020 r.

Lokator: DN00-DN01-DN10-DN11

Pasma: 144

Aktywność: EME

I plan to activate according to this schedule:
DN00 - 0630UTC October 10
DN01 - 0740UTC October 11
DN10 - 0850UTC October 12
DN11 - 1000UTC October 13
I will be operating from locations are very large flat dry lake beds that
have a very high copper content. Could have exceptional ground gain.
Temperatures will be between 0C and 18C.
There is the possibility of a wind event on October 10 and 11. If it is
too windy to operate you will know because you won't hear me :-)
It is very unlikely I will have cell phone or Internet access.
I plan to call on 144.122 2nd at about 1200hz.
