KA6U - EM90, EM91, EM92 2M EME Activation
2021-01-30 - 2021-02-01

KA6U - EM90, EM91, EM92 2M EME Activation

Termin: 2021-01-30 - 2021-02-01

Lokator: EM90-EM91-EM92

Pasma: 144

Aktywność: EME


I am planning a three grid trip at the end of January:

EM92 - QRV on January 30 from 0015UTC - 1000UTC
EM91 - QRV on January 31 from 0100UTC - 1100UTC
EM90 - QRV on February 1st from 0200UTC - 1200UTC
There appear to be good locations for the above grids on the Atlantic
Ocean. I will update when the weather forecast is available. At this time
of the year there is a high probability that the weather will be