KA6U - 2M EME Activations in Northern Floriday
2021-02-13 - 2021-02-15
KA6U - 2M EME Activations in Northern Floriday

Termin: 2021-02-13 - 2021-02-15

Lokator: EM61-EM71-EL79

Pasma: 144

Aktywność: EME


EM61 - QRV on February 13 from 1400UTC - 2000UTC
EM71 - QRV on February 14 from 1430UTC - 2000UTC
EL79 - QRV on February 15 from 1500UTC - 2100UTC

EM61 and EM71 activations will be in National Forests. EL79 activation
will be from the beach on the Gulf of Mexico.

Weather should be satisfactory. Will update closer to the plan dates.