RSGB 2022 Convention presentation - Adventures on 122GHz - G8GTZ
RSGB 2022 Convention presentation - Adventures on 122GHz - G8GTZ

Noel Matthews, G8GTZ
Noel provides an introduction to the challenges of operating on the 122GHz and gives an overview of the VK3CV designed transverter boards which have put operation within the reach of amateurs without requiring advanced electronic and mechanical engineering skills. He tells the story of how he and Dave, G1EHF used the boards to work up from their first QSO over 2kms to breaking the UK record for 122GHz at 36.5kms.

Noel Matthews, G8GTZ has always been interested in the microwave bands, having never operated on the HF bands! He is also a keen amateur television operator, has been Chair/Secretary of the BATC for the last eight years and operates home-constructed equipment on all bands from 50MHz to 122GHz.