Operating WSJT-X wirelessly on the IC-705 with wfview - VK3FS
Operating WSJT-X wirelessly on the IC-705 with wfview - VK3FS

A necessary evil in the hobby of amateur radio is cable. Coax, data, power, USB, you name it, weve got it. Everywhere. So, when an opportunity comes along to minimise our cable usage even just one, its got to be worth considering.

If you own an Icom IC-705 by chance, and FT8 is your thing, you can now connect your laptop to the radio and Run WSJTX cable-free for free! Thats right Zip, Zilch, Nada, diddly squat, nought and nil. So, if youre an amateur operator with short arms and deep pockets, heres how to do it!

This video assumes you have WSJT-X and wfview setup and running on your Windows 10 PC. The end of the video has the software versions used.
