#1: QRP Check-in to NorCars net from RVRC Hamfest June 19,2010 w2aew |
#1: QRP Check-in to NorCars net from RVRC Hamfest June 19,2010 Check-in to NorCars 40m net on June 19, 2010 from the Raritan Valley Hamfest in Piscataway, NJ. Rig is an Icom IC-703+ running off of a 7AH gel-cell into a SuperAntenna MP-1 with an extended 10' whip section. Power is less than 10W-PEP. Note that the net control station, K1AJD is in New Hampshire, not Vermont as I stated in the video - oops! https://youtu.be/iSo7oHvBbog |