#15: Ham radio Band-scope pan-adapter using Tek MDO4000 as a spectrum analyzer
#15: Ham radio Band-scope pan-adapter using Tek MDO4000 as a spectrum analyzer

This video shows the use of the spectrum analyzer in the new Tektronix MDO4000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope as a pan-adapter, or band-scope monitor. The analyzer is hooked into the 8.83MHz 2nd IF output of the Kenwood receiver, and shows 500kHz of band activity. The spectrogram feature is also shown to see how long-term band monitoring can be recorded. The concept here is nothing new of course, and many modern HF rigs, especially from Icom and Yaesu, feature band-scope displays built in. However, since I have this MDO in the shack to play with, I thought I'd give it a shot at performing as a pan-adapter. I apologize for the quality of the video - the lighting in my hamshack isn't the best for taking video.
