#584c TinySA Defective IMSAI Guy |
#584c TinySA Defective My TinySA has a bad attenuator. Will try to get a replacement. You might want to check yours.... You can download a new FW with an updated selftest that tests all switches and attenuator steps inside the attenuator IC. As doing the test takes considerable time and the selftest is also used during manufacturing I choose not to test all possible combinations of switches. According to the attenuator datasheet the switches are in series so the test should catch a faulty switch or attenuator step. http://athome.kaashoek.com/tinySA/DFU/ For running the selftest connect high and low SMA connectors with a good SMA cable and click on CONFIG/SELFTEST. If selftest 11 fails you have a faulty attenuator. The screen will show which attenuator step failed (Atten: xdB) https://youtu.be/jkiMjHDQz1Q |