HOME » 2 - INNE 144 MHZ; 432 MHZ

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rss dla 2 - INNE 144 MHZ; 432 MHZ Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacie4 pole UHF bandpass filter recycled from UHF duplexer - DD1US
SP6MLK19104.05.2024 05:54:24
nowe posty w temacie3 pole UHF bandpass filter R&S FD 006 retuned to 435MHz - DD1US
SP6MLK17827.04.2024 06:48:53
nowe posty w temacie120MHz high pass filter K&L 6LH41-120-2000-0-0 - DD1US
SP6MLK17818.04.2024 07:42:50
nowe posty w temacieDescription of the LTE Blocking Filter 67510 - DD1US
SP6MLK16507.04.2024 09:17:35
nowe posty w temacieDescription of the Fixed Bandpass Filter 612608-001 from Watkins Johnson - DD1US
SP6MLK17703.04.2024 06:50:40
nowe posty w temacieCommercial 144 MHz Cavity Filter - PE1RKI
SP6MLK19312.03.2024 07:36:51
nowe posty w temacieBroadband CATV amplifier based on MHW5142A - DD1US
SP6MLK16910.03.2024 09:59:23
nowe posty w temacie70cm 100W Band Pass Filter 430-450MHz
SP6MLK19209.03.2024 07:50:39
nowe posty w temacie High Power Low Pass Filters - DG7YBN
SP6MLK112004.12.2023 07:52:52
nowe posty w temacieANELLO IBRIDO PER I 70 cm - I4VIC
Sprzęgacz hybrydowy dla 70 cm
SP6MLK114430.09.2023 08:43:05
nowe posty w temacie70cm band circulator Kathrein France CHF 05080 - DD1US
SP6MLK118117.01.2023 08:31:45
nowe posty w temacie70cm band circulator Valvo 2722 162 05381 Y700/V-1-7/16 retuned from 590-720 MHz to 435 MHz - DD1US
SP6MLK122917.10.2022 08:31:17
nowe posty w temacieDG7YBN / technical / Filters
SP6MLK126325.04.2022 02:22:39
nowe posty w temacie70cm band circulator Kathrein France CHF 05080 - DD1US
SP6MLK128923.11.2021 07:57:26
nowe posty w temacieDCI-145-2H 2m Filter
SP6MLK131620.08.2021 07:46:30
nowe posty w temacie2m quarter wave coupler
SP6MLK137318.08.2021 07:28:04
nowe posty w temacieReflektometr:2m/70cm/23cm
SP9O556115.12.2020 00:28:00
nowe posty w temacie3 pole UHF bandpass filter R&S FD 006 retuned to 435MHz - DD1US
SP6MLK140907.11.2020 09:05:30
nowe posty w temacieSR3KWA - radiolatarnia 2m i 6m
SP3JBI141803.10.2020 21:39:39
nowe posty w temacie4 pole UHF bandpass filter recycled from UHF duplexer - DD1US
SP6MLK146516.08.2020 08:17:52
nowe posty w temacie70cm band circulatorPhilips 2722 162 08591 - DD1US
SP6MLK145818.05.2020 08:14:50
nowe posty w temacieShoot The Moon With This Homebrew Hardline RF Divider
SP6MLK143602.04.2020 09:53:50
nowe posty w temacieLow Noise XTAL Oscillator - UR3IQO
SP6MLK149912.02.2020 00:00:12
nowe posty w temacieNew 2 metre filter stops interference
SP6MLK261607.01.2020 17:36:53
nowe posty w temacie70cm band isolator unknown source - DD1US
SP6MLK151720.11.2019 15:03:04
nowe posty w temacie120MHz high passfilterK&L 6LH41-120-2000-0-0 - DD1US
SP6MLK155420.11.2019 14:55:45
nowe posty w temacie145 MHz Low Loss Bandpass Helical Filter by Mile Kokotov - Z33T
SP6MLK170807.11.2019 07:26:27
nowe posty w temacieUHF Low Loss Band-pass Filter - Z33T
SP6MLK174317.11.2018 07:39:09
nowe posty w temacie145 MHz Low Loss Bandpass Helical Filter - Z33T
SP6MLK177317.11.2018 07:34:32
nowe posty w temacie4-way Splitter EME - PA3EXV
144 MHz
SP6MLK190204.06.2018 23:28:08
nowe posty w temacie Abstimmen eines Kanalpaßfilters von FUBA auf 70cm - DD1US
SP6MLK173430.05.2018 15:20:44
nowe posty w temacieUmbau eines V H F - Topfkreisfilters für das 2m Amateurfunkband - DD1US
SP6MLK184228.05.2018 08:01:29
nowe posty w temacie70cm LPF
SP6MLK194801.08.2017 08:28:03
nowe posty w temacieCoaxial Low-Pass filter for 23cm
SP6MLK296826.07.2017 08:30:42
nowe posty w temacieŁączenie 8 anten na 432 MHz - OK1VUM
SP6MLK185813.07.2017 17:22:11
nowe posty w temacieFiltr pasmowy 432 MHz - OK1VUM
SP6MLK190126.05.2017 08:23:57
nowe posty w temaciePřepínač RX/TX u malé UHF portable stanice - OK1UFC
SP6MLK190924.05.2017 12:08:45
nowe posty w temacieŁączenie 4 anten na 432 MHz - OK1VUM
SP6MLK184922.05.2017 08:17:01
nowe posty w temacieFiltr wejściowy 432 MHz - OK1VUM
SP6MLK190421.05.2017 00:14:58
nowe posty w temacie145 MHz Low Loss Bandpass Helical Filter - IZ4WNP
SP6MLK183819.05.2017 07:24:41

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HOME » 2 - INNE 144 MHZ; 432 MHZ

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