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rss dla 5 - TRANSWERTERY Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieZERO-IF SSB/CW TRANSCEIVER FOR 24GHz - S53MV
SP6MLK123201.06.2023 07:55:13
nowe posty w temacie24 GHz Modules - CT1DMK
SP6MLK115401.06.2023 07:49:45
nowe posty w temacie241.920 & (134.928 & 122.250) GHz triband transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK121302.05.2023 07:37:46
nowe posty w temacie122 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK116001.05.2023 07:00:37
nowe posty w temacie76 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK114330.04.2023 09:19:50
nowe posty w temacie47 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK115029.04.2023 07:27:50
nowe posty w temacie24 GHz transverter II - OE2IGL
SP6MLK122428.04.2023 10:56:49
nowe posty w temacie24 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK118027.04.2023 07:05:45
nowe posty w temacie24 GHz EME Transverter - DB6NT
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK125914.04.2023 08:26:35
nowe posty w temacie411 GHz Transwerter - DB6NT, DL1IN
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK125313.04.2023 07:37:06
nowe posty w temacieSignalerzeugung für die mm-Wellen Bänder - DB6NT, DG8EB
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK118812.04.2023 08:05:20
nowe posty w temacieCW Sender für die mm-Wellen Bänder 122 – 134 und 241 GHz - DB6NT
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK117312.04.2023 08:02:12
nowe posty w temacie76 GHz Verstärkertechnik 7.2014 - DB6NT, DG8EB
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK118712.04.2023 07:58:43
nowe posty w temacie76 GHz Transvertertechnik - DB6NT
Archiwum DB6NT
SP6MLK126211.04.2023 11:26:52
nowe posty w temacieOK2VJC - 122 GHz dle VK3CV
SP6MLK123810.10.2021 09:17:49
nowe posty w temacie24 GHz-Transverter Mark III
SP6MLK133801.01.2021 09:19:59
nowe posty w temacie122GHzTransverter–VK3CV/WQ1S - SP1CNV, SP4ELF, SQ1GQC, DD1US
Description - DD1US
SP6MLK134730.11.2020 07:32:03
nowe posty w temacie122 GHz Transverter from VK3CV/WQ1S - improved version from SP team with external reference input
Schemat - DD1US
SP6MLK134830.11.2020 07:25:47
nowe posty w temacieUrządzenie RW3BP dla 76GHz
SP6MLK143323.08.2020 05:48:55
nowe posty w temacie76.032 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK142820.08.2020 11:58:28
nowe posty w temacieErstverbindung im 725 GHz Amateurband
SP6MLK139117.08.2020 08:43:23
nowe posty w temacieThe VK3CV 122GHz project
SP6MLK143701.08.2020 08:16:41
nowe posty w temacieNeue 76 GHz Transverter bei DG8EB und DK4RC
SP6MLK142816.05.2020 15:44:30
nowe posty w temacie122GHz transverter pre-production sample tests – videos
GHZ - Europe
SP6MLK143619.03.2020 19:59:36
nowe posty w temacieBau 24 GHz Transwerter (aus DMC Brocken) - DL2OCB
SP6MLK149314.02.2020 05:00:29
nowe posty w temacie241.920 & (134.928 & 122.250) GHz triband transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK145227.01.2020 06:58:28
nowe posty w temacieAddtion to "134 GHz Transverter Concept" - DB6NT
SP6MLK162524.01.2020 09:50:31
nowe posty w temacieTranswerter 432 MHz/76032 MHz - I3OPW
SP6MLK152030.11.2019 06:39:16
nowe posty w temacieTransverter 432-47088 MHz - I3OPW
SP6MLK257629.11.2019 08:11:27
nowe posty w temacieTransverter 144MHz/24 GHz - I3OPW
SP6MLK254117.11.2019 00:24:25
nowe posty w temacieConvertitore di trasmissione 144-432 MHz/24 GHz - I3OPW
SP6MLK470816.11.2019 08:23:45
nowe posty w temacie76.032 GHz transverter - OE2IGL
SP6MLK268009.09.2019 11:51:08
nowe posty w temacie24GHz the old way - EA4EOZ
SP6MLK152710.08.2019 08:40:44
nowe posty w temacieTranswerter 24 GHz - EB3FRN
SP6MLK370320.06.2019 17:19:40
nowe posty w temacieA 76GHz Transverter - Doing things differently - G8CUB
SP6MLK161203.03.2019 00:23:11
nowe posty w temacieSimple 47GHz Transverter - G8CUB
SP6MLK161702.03.2019 00:23:56
nowe posty w temacie134GHz Transverter - G8CUB
SP6MLK160201.03.2019 01:42:40
nowe posty w temacieAlcatel ‘Test Module’ - G8CUB
SP6MLK156224.02.2019 00:17:07
nowe posty w temacie411 GHz Transverter - DB6NT
SP6MLK159901.01.2019 11:02:12
nowe posty w temacieTransverter for 145 & 241 GHz - DB6NT
SP6MLK157330.12.2018 06:04:21

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