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rss dla ZAWODY  EME, AKTYWNOŚCI  EME Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024 - 5,7GHz - VII runda
Termin: 28 lipiec 2024 r. 00 - 24 UTC
SP6MLK110626.07.2024 06:53:14
nowe posty w temacieOY/EA8DBM - Aktywność EME IP62
Termin: 2024-07-28 to 2024-08-01
SP6MLK19026.07.2024 06:51:54
nowe posty w temacieZD9GJ - 6M EME DXpedition to ZD9
Termin: 2024-08-23 to 2024-09-30
SP6MLK14223.07.2024 08:05:11
nowe posty w temacieA.R.I. Italian E.M.E. Trophy 2024 Spring Section
SP6MLK14019.07.2024 08:26:01
nowe posty w temacieKA6U - 70cm and 902Mhz EME
Termin: 15.07 - 23.07.2024 r.
SP6MLK14816.07.2024 08:07:33
nowe posty w temacie4O/EA8DBM - 13 and 23 cm EME activity
Termin: 2024-07-07 to 2024-07-11
SP6MLK115310.07.2024 07:07:57
nowe posty w temacieKA6U - 70cm and 902Mhz EME
Termin: 07.07 - 13.08.2024 r.
SP6MLK16208.07.2024 07:06:56
nowe posty w temacieKA6U EME Roving Starting July 7, 2024
Termin: 07.07 - 23.07.2024 r.
SP6MLK19505.07.2024 04:57:23
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - Idaho 23cm EME Trip
Termin: 2024-07-07
SP6MLK113405.07.2024 04:53:59
nowe posty w temacieE7/EA8DBM - 13 and 23 cm EME activity
Termin: 2024-07-01 to 2024-07-04
SP6MLK111603.07.2024 05:45:33
nowe posty w temacieEA8DBM/9 - 13 and 23 cm EME activity
Termin: 2024-06-23 to 2024-06-25
SP6MLK118423.06.2024 05:13:08
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - Wyoming on 23cm EME
Termin: 2024-06-09
SP6MLK116208.06.2024 05:29:53
nowe posty w temacieČervnové EME v pásmu 47 GHz - OK1DFC
SP6MLK111606.06.2024 05:41:49
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024 - 10GHz - VI runda
Termin: 9.06.2024
SP6MLK110931.05.2024 05:41:54
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024 - 24GHz - V runda
Termin: 8.06.2024
SP6MLK113931.05.2024 05:40:52
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024 - IV runda
Termin: 11/12.05.2024 r.
SP6MLK141210.05.2024 05:48:30
nowe posty w temacie23 cm EME Appetiser Contest
Termin: 10.05.2024 r. 08:00 - 18:00 UTC
SP6MLK114622.04.2024 07:36:51
nowe posty w temacieKA6U - 902 432 1296 EME Spring Trip
Termin: 22.04 - 06.05.2024 r.
SP6MLK114922.04.2024 07:26:16
nowe posty w temacieSZ5RDS - X-Team DH7FB and DF2ZC Activating Rhodes (2nd Try)
SP6MLK225916.04.2024 05:50:17
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024
Termin: 14.04.2024 r.
SP6MLK116814.04.2024 07:03:21
nowe posty w temacieIQ4RN - 150th Anniversary of the birth of Guglielmo Marconi
SP6MLK120012.04.2024 06:50:52
nowe posty w temacieEME SSB fun contest 2,3 GHz
Termin: 13.04.2024 r.
SP6MLK122912.04.2024 06:32:27
nowe posty w temacie10th A.R.I. Italian EME Trophy 2024
06-07.04.2024 r.
SP6MLK121704.04.2024 08:01:03
nowe posty w temacieContests - ARRL International EME Contest - Scores
SP6MLK19402.04.2024 06:46:08
nowe posty w temacieDubus 9CM Report - VE6BGT
SP6MLK19121.03.2024 06:44:32
nowe posty w temacieN1V in Hawaii (902,1296,2304,10G)
Termin: 10.03 - 16.03.2024 r.
SP6MLK327219.03.2024 07:08:28
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024
17 marca 2024 r.
SP6MLK111917.03.2024 07:15:20
nowe posty w temacie10th A.R.I. Italian EME Trophy 2024
SP6MLK15806.03.2024 07:51:10
nowe posty w temacieSZ5RDS - X-Team DH7FB and DF2ZC Activating Rhodes (2nd Try)
SP6MLK18405.03.2024 07:44:46
nowe posty w temacieHS60RAST active via EME
Termin: 10.02 - 10.03.2024 r.
SP6MLK139903.03.2024 10:04:11
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS Contest 2024
Termin: 18.02.2024
SP6MLK110216.02.2024 06:57:48
nowe posty w temacieCB0ZA - Robinson Crusoe Island expedition
Termin: 13.02 - 20.02.2024 r.
SP6MLK111014.02.2024 06:36:40
nowe posty w temacieActivity 2M EME EM72 EM62 - KA6U
Termin: 30.01 - 31.01.2024 r.
SP6MLK110330.01.2024 08:05:22
nowe posty w temacieActivity 2m EME EM72 EM62 - KA6U
Termin: 17.01 - 18.01.2024 r.
SP6MLK18516.01.2024 05:24:45
nowe posty w temacieActivity 2m EME EM52 EM42 - KA6U
Termin: 16.01 - 17.01.2024 r.
SP6MLK18515.01.2024 06:14:37
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST 2024
SP6MLK18414.12.2023 08:15:21
nowe posty w temacieARRL EME Contest 2023 r.
Weekends 4: 50 to 1296 MHz - November 25-26
SP6MLK125225.11.2023 08:48:56
nowe posty w temacie4W8X - Timor-Leste 144,432,1296 part
2023-11-12 to 2023-11-27
SP6MLK137423.11.2023 07:47:47
nowe posty w temacieCT9/EA8DBM from Madeira Island
Termin: 2023-11-19 to 2023-11-27
SP6MLK136023.11.2023 07:44:17
nowe posty w temacieActivation PY2ZYV
2020-09-14 to 2030-12-31
SP6MLK144014.11.2023 07:51:37

Przejdz do gory stronyStrona: 1 / 8>>>    strony: [1]2345678


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