![moc !!!](star_icon7.gif)
![wydawało się ze wiecej już sie nie da ale jednak !](star_icon7.gif)
Grupa: Administrator ![](star.gif)
Lokalizacja:: Kłodzko JO80IK06AO
Posty: 42313 #8170995 Od: 2013-10-18
| Update: April 13 2024:
With deep sadness I have to inform you that DH7FB and I are NOT travelling to Rhodes today. Because of health issues with Frank’s back when lifting the antenna/mast setup we cannot travel.
Now this was the 2nd time we have to cancel this activity with everything already reserved and booked.
In the coming weeks Frank and I will conduct a serious evaluation if and when we will try again.
One thing I can indeed promise: SV5 will be activated within the next 12 months.
_________________ 73! Stanisław SP6MLK Kłodzko JO80IK06AO http://ra-ukf.iq24.pl/default.asp http://www.ukf-te.iq24.pl/default.asp http://spukfcontest.atthost24.pl/