Przejdz do dołu strony<<<Strona: 47 / 67>>>    strony: 414243444546[47]48495051525354555657585960

rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacie20-07-20 QSO 10 GHz ON7UN Eddy JM08AT - EA3HMJ JN11AN 349 Kms
SP6MLK139522.07.2020 08:41:06
nowe posty w temacieMicromeet 2019 2/2
SP6MLK140322.07.2020 08:21:54
nowe posty w temacieQSO 1.2Ghz EI-EA8, TROPO 2714Km
SP6MLK141421.07.2020 09:16:58
nowe posty w temacieMicromeet 2019 1/2
SP6MLK141021.07.2020 08:30:13
nowe posty w temacieAustralian authorities turn down request for 70 MHz allocation - EI7GL
SP6MLK136820.07.2020 18:35:22
nowe posty w temacieEA1AWV/B heard 303 km away in Madrid
SP6MLK140520.07.2020 07:30:43
nowe posty w temacieUnauthorized transmissions in 144 MHz satellite allocation
SP6MLK138819.07.2020 09:22:59
nowe posty w temacieQSO SSB 42Km en 122GHz
SP6MLK134419.07.2020 08:43:23
nowe posty w temacieNew video: ‘Introducing the IC-705 QRP SDR transceiver’
SP6MLK138918.07.2020 15:30:53
nowe posty w temacieWhat is the IARU?? - EI7GL
SP6MLK139118.07.2020 08:08:05
nowe posty w temacieHF Pedestrian Mobile with Peter VK3YE
SP6MLK136218.07.2020 08:04:14
nowe posty w temacieNuevo record EA en 24GHz 318km
SP6MLK141218.07.2020 07:32:00
nowe posty w temacieDemostsración 10GHz L' Albiol
SP6MLK135617.07.2020 08:22:33
nowe posty w temacieUnusual Sporadic-E opening on 144 MHz in N Europe hints at possibility of Trans-Atlantic contact
SP6MLK141016.07.2020 11:56:17
nowe posty w temacieMillimeet 2018 invierno: 47, 76 y 122GHz
SP6MLK136716.07.2020 07:03:45
nowe posty w temacieTransceiver performance for the HF-VHF-UHF operator
SP6MLK145615.07.2020 09:29:04
nowe posty w temacie1240-1300 MHz discussed at CEPT SE 40 meeting
SP6MLK139715.07.2020 09:12:45
nowe posty w temaciePrimer QSO EA en 122GHz a 15Km
SP6MLK137815.07.2020 08:30:30
nowe posty w temacieQSO TODAY Expo Virtual Talks - Sat 8th & Sun 9th Aug 2020 - EI7GL
SP6MLK138514.07.2020 16:57:08
nowe posty w temacieSolar weather station listens for lightning
SP6MLK138514.07.2020 09:11:04
nowe posty w temacieDetección sonda Parker en 32GHz
SP6MLK136114.07.2020 08:32:22
nowe posty w temacieMagnifica tarde de RS en 10GHz
SP6MLK137813.07.2020 07:37:03
nowe posty w temacie3000km plus contact on 144 MHz from St.Helena to South Africa - 4th June 2020 - EI7GL
SP6MLK141512.07.2020 19:10:23
nowe posty w temacieOK1KKD in July Contest
GHZ Europe
SP6MLK139312.07.2020 18:55:39
nowe posty w temacieBaliza experimental EB4FJV/b 2.3GHz
SP6MLK134012.07.2020 08:10:22
nowe posty w temacieRSGB papers for IARU-R1 Conference
SP6MLK137811.07.2020 15:35:00
nowe posty w temacieIARU Region-1 to discuss possibility of 40 MHz & 60 MHz allocation
SP6MLK140611.07.2020 08:50:02
nowe posty w temacie24 junio: test con JN02SL70 a 2600mts MASL
SP6MLK135311.07.2020 08:04:15
nowe posty w temacieEA1SHF: Projet Atlantica 2018
SP6MLK137210.07.2020 06:13:49
nowe posty w temacieBaliza experimental EA1AWV/b 10GHz
SP6MLK136609.07.2020 04:09:15
nowe posty w temacieCOMREG release Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland - July 2020 - EI7GL
SP6MLK141208.07.2020 08:35:43
nowe posty w temacieEA2CRP EB3FRN QSO en 10GHz TR
SP6MLK143708.07.2020 07:58:20
nowe posty w temacieSerbia 70 MHz - New Radio Frequency Band Allocation Plan goes into force
SP6MLK141207.07.2020 00:13:17
nowe posty w temacieMillimeet 2018 verano: 47 y 76GHz
SP6MLK138107.07.2020 00:01:38
nowe posty w temacieUpgrade of the D4VHF station VHF & Microwave antenna systems - EI7GL
SP6MLK143106.07.2020 07:31:17
nowe posty w temacieMilling LNA box - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK146706.07.2020 07:23:10
nowe posty w temacie13 Mayo 2018 ODX 303Km en 47GHz
SP6MLK142106.07.2020 06:36:32
nowe posty w temacieSTARcon2018 QSO 10GHz
SP6MLK143706.07.2020 06:33:15
nowe posty w temacieRadioreaktywacja stacji SP6MLK w paśmie 70 MHz, 145 MHz, 435 MHz FM
SP6MLK257005.07.2020 21:07:55
nowe posty w temacieThread mill M2x5 - EA3HMJ
SP6MLK141805.07.2020 08:37:03

Przejdz do gory strony<<<Strona: 47 / 67>>>    strony: 414243444546[47]48495051525354555657585960


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