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rss dla INFORMACJE  DLA  KRÓTKOFALOWCÓW Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temaciePosiedzenie Głównej Komisji Rewizyjnej PZK
SP6MLK148919.06.2019 22:01:58
nowe posty w temacieRepeater voting and simulcasting using the Asterisk, app_rpt, VKLink (Allstar) application - VK7HH
SP6MLK147319.06.2019 06:39:11
nowe posty w temacieHistoryczna łączność transatlantycka na 144 MHz
SP6MLK154118.06.2019 18:20:54
nowe posty w temacieCould a new licence counter threats at VHF and above?
SP6MLK153418.06.2019 07:32:03
nowe posty w temacieSetting up the FT-991 for WSJT and other digital modes - VK7HH
SP6MLK152117.06.2019 18:31:20
nowe posty w temacieInformacje po Posiedzeniu ZG PZK
SP6MLK151917.06.2019 08:38:38
nowe posty w temacieEURAO Newsletter - 2013
SP6MLK481416.06.2019 08:41:21
nowe posty w temacie2 meter band in danger: CQ solidarity
SP6MLK152814.06.2019 08:48:48
nowe posty w temacieNew proposals to help defragment the 3.4-3.8 GHz band
SP6MLK149612.06.2019 12:51:13
nowe posty w temacieAmateur Radio Repeaters Q&A with Ham Radio DX
SP6MLK153512.06.2019 08:11:02
nowe posty w temacie144 MHz DX - FT8 signal received over 5102 km path
SP6MLK153311.06.2019 16:27:12
nowe posty w temacieWRC 23 AGENDA ITEMS
SP6MLK152311.06.2019 07:42:34
nowe posty w temacie Germany permits 50 MHz ham radio contest operation
SP6MLK255410.06.2019 08:02:46
nowe posty w temacie New ham radio regulations in Belgium
SP6MLK148805.06.2019 08:05:06
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio Q&A with VK7HH
SP6MLK151305.06.2019 07:43:31
nowe posty w temacieEURAO Newsletter - 2012
SP6MLK257704.06.2019 07:57:00
nowe posty w temacieHam Radio is it DEAD in 2019? - VK7HH
SP6MLK154603.06.2019 07:50:59
nowe posty w temacie70 MHz w Australii (VK)
Licencje eksperymetalne
SP6MLK148301.06.2019 12:02:04
nowe posty w temacie1240-1300 MHz band discussed by CEPT WGFM and CPG
1300 MHz - 1350 MHz
SP6MLK261631.05.2019 20:03:50
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic.TV - 2018 r.
2018 r.
SP6MLK-2 5431 57029.05.2019 07:40:31
nowe posty w temacieIcom IC-9700 GPS LOCKED! Weak signal review by Rex VK7MO - VK7HH
SP6MLK151726.05.2019 06:55:01
nowe posty w temacieMeasuring Return Loss (VSWR) of Antennas using a Spectrum Analyzer - VK7HH
SP6MLK152624.05.2019 06:27:32
nowe posty w temacieRothammels Antenna Book
SP6MLK157323.05.2019 14:19:22
nowe posty w temaciePo XXV Nadzwyczajnym Zjeździe Delegatów PZK
SP6MLK-1 90656120.05.2019 08:31:28
nowe posty w temacieA Transverter for the 2.4 GHz ham band (13cm) - VK7HH
SP6MLK-1 86269020.05.2019 08:16:03
nowe posty w temacieRadio giełda
SP6MLK-19 86554816.05.2019 13:45:00
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic.TV - cz.III
01/2017 r. - 12/2017 r.
SP6MLK131 73916.05.2019 08:05:25
nowe posty w temacieRF Institute PASTERNAC
SP6MLK-4 34551815.05.2019 08:24:43
nowe posty w temacieContesting on All Bands From 1,8 MHz to 1,3 GHz in OL3Z Style
SP6MLK-4 21956815.05.2019 08:16:15
nowe posty w temacieMistakes and Tips for Ham Radio Antenna Builders - VK7HH
SP6MLK-4 04056015.05.2019 08:03:36
nowe posty w temacieWideo Jose EA3HMJ - cz.I [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]
SP6MLK10011 35113.05.2019 07:22:20
nowe posty w temacieI crashed my Mavic Pro drone! Compass Error -VK7HH
SP6MLK150312.05.2019 09:01:45
nowe posty w temacieMicrowaves made easy! 25 Watts on 1296 MHz (23cm) - VK7HH
SP6MLK153411.05.2019 07:44:12
nowe posty w temacieFT4 vs FT8 - A new mode, what's the difference? - VK7HH
SP6MLK159610.05.2019 00:13:22
nowe posty w temacieIs the Icom IC-9700 frequency stable? - Tested by Rex VK7MO - VK7HH
SP6MLK158909.05.2019 07:27:58
nowe posty w temacieVK7HH antenna array timelapse
SP6MLK155708.05.2019 07:48:55
nowe posty w temacieA cheap 3.4 GHz (9cm) transverter - VK7HH
SP6MLK154606.05.2019 07:06:09
nowe posty w temacieUK 241 GHz record broken twice in one day
9,33 km
SP6MLK-79768104.05.2019 18:23:17
nowe posty w temacieTesting RF Amplifiers using Sweep Generators - VK7HH
SP6MLK-80454303.05.2019 06:48:07
nowe posty w temacieAmateurLogic.TV - cz.II [ 1 2 ]
01/2014 r. - 12/2016 r.
SP6MLK404 71203.05.2019 06:36:25

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