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rss dla ZAWODY  EME, AKTYWNOŚCI  EME Temat/OpisAutorOdpowiedziWyświetleńAktualizacja
nowe posty w temacie2020 ARRL EME contest and 70MHz #JO57GG by Danish op's
SP6MLK135615.09.2020 06:05:38
nowe posty w temacie2M EME, 2M/6M MS and Es Activation from 6 Grids in US Northwest
SP6MLK251724.08.2020 12:01:19
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS 2020 23cm a AW u OK1DFC
SP6MLK134429.07.2020 22:01:16
nowe posty w temacie3 cm EME v červenci u OK2AQ
SP6MLK138429.07.2020 06:06:07
nowe posty w temacieEME DUBUS contest 1,3 GHz
18.07 - 19.07.2020 r.
SP6MLK672425.07.2020 06:31:55
nowe posty w temacieMini EME expedice HB9CRQ do JN46 - OK1DFC
SP6MLK354308.06.2020 17:35:06
nowe posty w temacieLunar weekend calendar 2020 - DL7APV
SP6MLK155503.06.2020 06:09:45
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST - 2020 - 2,3 GHz
Fifth weekend May 23 / 24
SP6MLK151723.05.2020 00:29:19
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST - 2020 - 10 GHz + up
Fourth weekend - May 2 / 3.2020
SP6MLK681813.05.2020 10:18:46
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST - 2020 - 5,7 GHz
Third weekend April 25 / 26 - 2020
SP6MLK468229.04.2020 12:06:14
nowe posty w temacie6th A.R.I. Italian EME Trophy – 2020
00.00 UTC of April 4th to 24.00 UTC of April 5th
SP6MLK258007.04.2020 13:06:28
nowe posty w temaciePlanned: 2M EME Portable Operation CM95gx April 3, 2020 - April 5, 2020 - KA6U
SP6MLK142002.04.2020 16:01:41
nowe posty w temacieVýsledky a komentář EME ARRL kontestu 2019
Wyniki i komentarz do zawodów EME ARRL 2019
SP6MLK142128.03.2020 00:16:09
nowe posty w temacieOE6V - Microwave EME DXpediton
2020-02-03 to 2020-02-07
SP6MLK470512.03.2020 17:33:55
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST 2020
Second weekend - March 7 / 8 - 3,4 GHz
SP6MLK253611.03.2020 00:39:12
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST 2020
First weekend - 144 MHz & 432 MHz
SP6MLK142908.02.2020 07:21:32
nowe posty w temacieSSB FUNTEST - K2UYH
Update: 11/12.01.2020
SP6MLK160705.01.2020 17:52:01
nowe posty w temacieREF / DUBUS European EME Contest 2019 - CW Results
SP6MLK148604.01.2020 07:07:50
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST 2020
SP6MLK268404.01.2020 07:01:50
nowe posty w temacieCR3EME activity by OH2BC
SP6MLK294714.12.2019 07:42:37
nowe posty w temacieARRL EME Contest
Weekends #3 - 50 to 1296 MHz - November 16-17
SP6MLK150915.11.2019 07:11:50
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - 2M/70cm EME trip South Dakota (DN83) and Nebraska (DN82)
SP6MLK162121.10.2019 07:57:46
nowe posty w temacieARRL EME Contest
Weekends # 2 - 50 to 1296 MHz - October 19-20
SP6MLK155719.10.2019 08:16:06
nowe posty w temacieARRL EME contest and 70MHz rare #JO57 by OZ's group
SP6MLK149018.10.2019 07:19:12
nowe posty w temacieLunar Weekend Calendar 2019/2020 by DL7APV
SP6MLK155417.10.2019 21:27:54
nowe posty w temacieARRL EME Contest 2019 - 2.3 GHz & Up
21-22.09.2019 r.
SP6MLK-1 06852920.09.2019 14:29:40
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - 70cm EME Trip to Wyoming DN54fw
SP6MLK156601.09.2019 08:44:56
nowe posty w temacieMicrowave activity weekend reminder
SP6MLK151223.08.2019 08:25:24
nowe posty w temacieThe 2019 145 MHz Russian EME Contest
SP6MLK158221.08.2019 12:25:50
nowe posty w temacieSP0VHF EME 5,6 a 24 GHz QRV - OK1DFC
Członek OKK "SP UKF" - SP0VHF
SP6MLK157529.07.2019 07:19:14
nowe posty w temacieWAS EME expedice NE, SD, ND, MT, WY, ID
SP6MLK159025.07.2019 10:09:46
nowe posty w temacieD4 VHF DXpedition - D44KZ
14-24.07.2019 r.
SP6MLK160620.07.2019 08:08:25
nowe posty w temacieARI EME TROPHY Spring Section 2019
SP6MLK261310.07.2019 20:22:36
nowe posty w temacieRevised 2020 ARRL EME Contest dates
SP6MLK155009.07.2019 22:03:24
nowe posty w temacieMicrowave Activity Weekends 2019
SP6MLK158609.07.2019 10:54:11
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - 2M Wyoming EME Trip DN54qv
29.06.2019 r.
SP6MLK368628.06.2019 07:18:52
nowe posty w temacieLunar landing memorial EME SSTV party on 23 cm
SP6MLK154025.06.2019 20:32:02
nowe posty w temacieKB7Q - Wyoming 2M EME Quick Trip
SP6MLK154002.06.2019 12:33:00
nowe posty w temacieN2EME qrv from FM13bx
SP6MLK168312.05.2019 09:07:54
nowe posty w temacieEUROPEAN EME CONTEST 2019 sponsored by DUBUS and REF
11-12.05.2019 r. 10 GHz, 24 GHz
SP6MLK160211.05.2019 07:55:15

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